The electric pickups didn’t really stand a chance, but in keeping with their ethos, it was all about the spectacle

- Two Cybertrucks were featured at the Orlando Air Show in a race with an acrobatic EA-300 airplane.
- Of all the performers at the air show, the Teslas were probably the least interesting part.
- The show will continue for several weeks in different locations.
Cars end up at air shows more than one might realize. They’re often used as backup demonstrator vehicles to fill time between aeronautical demos. Of course, the cars in question are usually hot rods or jet-powered trucks. In this case, the event promoters gathered a pair of Tesla Cybertrucks. And instead of simply filling time, they pitted the pickups against an airplane in a “race”.
The plane in question is an EXTRA EA-300 flown by Mike Goulian. It’s essentially built for acrobatics but still has a top speed of 213 mph (342 km/h). That makes it far faster than the Cybertrucks and video of the race actually starts after it’s already passed the pickups. Nevertheless, the MC at the event tries to hype up the Teslas as much as he can.
More: Tesla Cybertruck Goes Off-Road Gets Stuck On Tree And Ruins The Fun
“Now he [Mike Goulian] got by’em really quick but watch this… watch these two Cybertrucks accelerate to over 140 mph (225 km/h), he says as they speed down the runway. Fun fact, the Tesla Cybertruck has a top speed of just 130 mph (209 km/h) so we’re not sure if these are somehow modified or if the announcer simply got his facts mixed up.
In either case, it seemed like less of a spectacle than just about every other performance at the show. According to the promoters the show includes the Blue Angels, an F-22 Raptor demo team, a P-51D Mustang, and even a B-25 bomber.
Don’t get us wrong. The Cybertruck looks more appropriate on the runway than just about any other pickup. It’s certainly more angular and reminiscent of an F-22 than anything from Ford, Chevy, or Dodge. At the same time, it’s a bit strange to see not one but two used as featured demonstrators at such a show.
Evidently, those who want to behold a Cybertruck losing in a race to an airplane can do so again at several more shows throughout the year. The next one is in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on May 11 and 12. Of course, you’ve just seen pretty much what will go down at that show too with regard to the Cybertrucks at least. In short, always bet on the plane.
Image Credit: SethVTube
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